Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser (1986)

This court case was about a high school student who stand in front of approximately 600 hundred students and made a speech in supporting a candidate for their student government office.

Facts of the Case:
  • At a school assembly of approximately 600 high school students, Matthew Fraser made a speech nominating a fellow student for elective office. In his speech, Fraser used what some observers believed was a graphic sexual metaphor to promote the candidacy of his friend. As part of its disciplinary code, Bethel High School enforced a rule prohibiting conduct which "substantially interferes with the educational process . . . including the use of obscene, profane language or gestures." Fraser was suspended from school for two days.

Matthew Fraser Speech that was made on April 26, 1983:

  • "I know a man who is firm -- he's firm in his pants, he's firm in his shirt, his character is firm -- but most . . . of all, his belief in you, the students of Bethel, is firm. Jeff Kuhlman is a man who takes his point and pounds it in. If necessary, he'll take an issue and nail it to the wall. He doesn't attack things in spurts -- he drives hard, pushing and pushing until finally -- he succeeds. Jeff is a man who will go to the very end -- even the climax, for each and every one of you. So vote for Jeff for A. S. B. vice-president -- he'll never come between you and the best our high school can be."

However, the Supreme Court concluded that Fraser's speech could, consistent with the First Amendment, be the basis for disciplinary action by the the Bethel School District.

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