Friday, May 7, 2010

Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988)

Brief Summary: January 13,1988

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Kathy Kuhlmeier and two other journalism students wrote articles on pregnancy and divorce for their school newspaper. Their teacher submitted page proofs to the principal for approval. The principal objected to the articles because he felt that the students described in the article on pregnancy, although not named, could be identified, and the father discussed in the article on divorce was not allowed to respond to the derogatory article.The principal also said that the language used was not appropriate for younger students. When the newspaper was printed, two pages containing the articles in question as well as four other articles approved by the principal were deleted. However, the Supreme Court had stated that Hazelwood School didn't violate the First Amendment right of the students. This case had gave schools the power to cenor newspapers as long as the school finances the activties and there are grounds for the cenorship.

I think it a good idea to write an article about teen’s pregnancy because it important for teens to know how every year teen’s pregnancy increases and how it affects society. It important for teens to read about teen’s pregnancy experience, so that they could think twice about having a baby.

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