Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What is Freedom of Expression?

Freedom of expression is to have the ability of an individual or a group of people to express their thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and emotions about issues free from government censorship. As everyone knows that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the rights of individuals to freedom of speech, religion and press. Some scholars group several of those freedoms under the general term “freedom of expression.” Most state constitutions also contain provisions guaranteeing freedom of expression, and some provide even greater protection than the First Amendment. Freedom of expression is essential to individual liberty and contributes to what the Supreme Court has called the marketplace of ideas. The First Amendment assumes that the speaker, not the government, should decide the value of speech. In these courts cases show the amounts of students that used this freedom to express themselves on what they belief. The students protested by walking out, clothing wearing and writing down ideas or beliefs.
Source: http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/Speech/faqs.aspx?id=31&#q31

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